Friday, April 26, 2013

Twins, Twwins, Twwwins from Confessions....of a faithful woman

In the depth of her cave he was confined, tied to the floor. He was screaming for help until he could hear her footsteps. A deathly fear took over his body as she approached. Another set of footsteps? He was puzzled. She was not alone. The sisters slowly approached. “Uumm” Growling, “He is sweet.” The younger said: “Yes, he is unique.” Was he seeing double; it could not possibly be two vicious-beautiful creatures. Their tails moved in a serpentine fashion. “Shall we, Sister?” “We SHALL,” the interchange was civil but savage. Slowly they got down on all fours and let their animal nature assume control, bounding towards him and pouncing upon him….

Twwins (There was a misprint in the “table of contents”
…The younger left and returned instantly with herbs and animals. She drained the blood from the animals and combined it with the herbs. She nursed her sister, neglecting her own wounds. She too had sustained considerable damage. He watched intently learning all he could and fed upon the remains. After seven full days of prayers and rituals the eldest was almost healed. Not wanting to trouble her sister she fled to the woods and tried to nurse herself back to health…

She looked at him expressionless. “An eternal life sharing our sister is a cruel torture that plagues us.”
“You always speak in plural, why?”
“We exist together so there is no “one””
“Are you all twins?”
 “We are one.”
“How did you all come into being, were you born together?”
“Born? We existed simultaneously.”
“Yes, but how.”
“There was a desire from the universe to bring balance to make things straight. To finish the old and convey the new.”
“You can have a child?”
“We can reproduce yes, by blood, energy or bring forth life from our body. Where there were two there are now three.”
The conversation ended there….

This is one of the few stories which will be in each book of the series because there is so much to share about each of the characters.  With the title of the stories I didn’t want to change the name or use “part 1, 2, 3...” I wanted to keep the flow and continuity of the story.  However since each part of the story was a very distinct and significant aspect of the evolution of their relationships I chose to separate them. “Twins” is what happens after the younger brother was subdued by her (them).  Exploring The Twins is going to take more than one post but let’s start with the “sisters”: Sa and Ba…

When I began writing this story it was from the perspective of the man whom they had captured (There is an entire back story as to how he ended up in their cave which will be in the next book); it was his experience first discovering her which turned out to be them. As I wrote from his perspective I began to understand “The twins” more.  I had to immerse myself in their perspective in order to explain what it was like for him.  In doing that I conjured them up (pun intended) and was able to tap into more about them causing them to come to life on the pages.

Sa and Ba are immortal like all spirits yet they have existed for centuries in this particular physical shape-shifting form.  They are so intricately connected that they feel through each other.

The stories show the evolution of the “sisters” from being essentially one to becoming more individualistic and unique.  These stories are written from the perspective of the “younger sister” and are more a fish bowl view of the “older sister”.  The “older sister” is only mentioned as she relates to the “younger”. “Older and younger” are relative because they are actually the same soul, energy, being and entity in separate bodies.  Their names are also used interchangeably in the book based on their dispositions at the time.  Sa and Ba; like Sekmet are huntresses, sirens, mystical, magical, feminine, fierce, passionate, hungry, ancient, they are where the concept of vampirism comes from yet like Sekmet they are driven by justice and The will of The Creator.  They are singular and plural, lovers, sisters, friends and partners. They are exactly the same and completely different. They are the contradictions and harmony that exist in each of us. They go from being more primal and raw (darkness) to slowly becoming more “humanized” (light).

Sa and Ba share one soul; without one the other is incomplete.  Since they share a soul they are both connected and disconnected in that they share all aspects and no aspects.  Because they are “sharing” there are times when they conflict and times they compromise.  The younger that is only “the younger” because she is the one learning to accept something new and resisting the natural evolution of herself and her “soul sharer” © ß I like that!!! (That may be the title in the next book). The older one on the other hand is “the older” because she is letting the process happen more fluidly and adapting to the changes with grace, love and understanding.  As all things must evolve and adapt to survive so too must they.  Accepting, creating, bringing others into their sphere was an inevitable part of their existence.  For centuries they had only know love through and for each other so bringing man into the equations was a tremulous course as reflected in the younger yet it was natural and necessary as reflected by the older.  This is the process each of us goes through as we reach our higher evolutions… resistance and acceptance. 

Sa and Ba discover their reflections in the brothers and they expand themselves to include their masculine compliments. You must remember it was the younger of the two that initially stopped the brother from being killed and nursed him back to health that showed her acceptance of the change even before her older sister.  The twins are not only physical beings but they are concepts that exist in The Universe and as such their transformation signals a change in the Universe as well.   In future books they will have to rediscover who they were originally and learn how to manifest who they were before in their new surroundings (same for the brothers).

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